Canadian Cancer Research Conference

The third Canadian Cancer Research Conference was held from November 8 to 10, 2015 in Montreal, Quebec. The goals of the conference were to showcase research efforts in Canada, to create an opportunity to connect with the public and media to report on the impact of Canada’s cancer research investment, and to provide a means for funding agencies to connect with their research communities.

The scientific program consisted of plenary sessions, concurrent symposia, and poster sessions featuring national and international researchers from across the cancer research spectrum. A number of satellite meetings and workshops hosted by various organizations were also held during the conference.

Collectively, the conference’s scientific program provided attendees opportunities to network, learn about cutting-edge research in Canada, and to present results and receive feedback from colleagues from across the country.

Plenary sessions were designed to address major themes in cancer research from different angles. National and international cancer experts were invited to speak on the following topics:

  • From Global Initiatives to Global Control
  • Cancer and Immune System
  • Cancer Risk and Prevention
  • From Foundational Science to the Clinic and Back Again
  • Personalized Medicine to Person-Centered Care
Download the CCRC 2015 Scientific Program


CCRC 2015 Final