The Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRA) has its origins in Canada’s cancer control strategy and has established a pan-Canadian approach for coordinated effort in cancer research.
- 1999
- 2002
- 2003
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
The Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control (CSCC) is formed, heralding a new beginning for cancer control in Canada.
Known as the Research Advisory Group, our members provide recommendations for the release of the CSCC Action Plan.
We officially become the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRA), formerly the Research Advisory Group for the CSCC. Our new name reflects our expanded membership and our focus to establish a stronger Canadian voice for cancer research. The CIHR Institute of Cancer Research supports our Secretariat.
Our first annual meeting is held with 21 member organizations. They agree to financially support the first joint project: an environmental scan of cancer research investments in Canada.
The CCRA launches its website.
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer is established as an independent, not-for-profit corporation funded by the federal government to steward and implement the CSCC.2007
We recommend that the Partnership funds two large partnered projects: (1) the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP) of 330 000 volunteers from five Canadian regions to give perspective on chronic diseases, and (2) a translational research initiative, designed to establish a roadmap for biomarker development across Canada. [CPTP is now CanPath, the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health.]
The CCRA joins the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP), an alliance of cancer organizations enhancing global collaboration and strategic coordination of research.
We release our first cancer research investment report about investments made in 2005 by 19 funding organizations. The report garners front-page coverage in The Globe and Mail and Dr. Philip Branton is invited by The Lancet Oncology to comment on the findings.2008
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, also a CCRA member, assumes the role of supporting and housing our Secretariat.
In collaboration with CCRA members and research experts, we release the first-ever Pan-Canadian Research Strategy. It serves as a plan for collaborative action by Canada’s cancer research funders. Over 90% of the action items in the strategy will be completed successfully.
Our first Canadian Cancer Research Conference (CCRC) takes place in Toronto with 991 conference attendees, 573 abstract submissions, and 18 conference supporters. The inaugural CCRA Awards are presented and the conference’s initial success establishes it as a biennial event.
We release a strategic framework for collaborative action to help identify needs and opportunities for cancer risk and prevention research in Canada.
Our second CCRC takes place in Toronto with over 1000 participants, nearly 600 abstract submissions, and 27 conference supporters.
The Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network (3CTN) launches to increase enrollment in investigator-initiated trials.
We launch Target 2020, the second strategy for collaborative action by our members.
Our third CCRC takes place in Montréal, Québec with 636 abstract submissions and 983 conference attendees.
Two research frameworks, one on palliative and end-of-life care and one on cancer survivorship, are published in collaboration with CCRA members and research experts.
Our fourth CCRC takes place in Vancouver, British Columbia with 1040 attendees and 696 abstract submissions.
The inaugural Patient Involvement in Cancer Research Program (PIP) is held in conjunction with the CCRC, and 14 patients and caregivers participate.
University of Toronto’s (U of T’s) Dalla Lana School of Public Health becomes the new scientific partner of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP), now known as CanPath. Working with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, U of T will accelerate the project’s research potential and provide more opportunities for made-in-Canada discoveries.
Our fifth CCRC takes place in Ottawa, Ontario with 893 attendees and 565 abstract submissions.
The Patient Involvement in Cancer Research Program (PIP) is held in conjunction with the CCRC, and 20 patients participate.
The CCRA facilitates the completion of Canada’s Vision for Cancer Research.
The global COVID-19 pandemic changes life as we know it. The care and safety of cancer patients and survivors is significantly affected. The short- and long-term impacts on cancer clinical trials and cancer research funding is being assessed.
The sixth CCRC is our first virtual event, with 797 attendees and 443 abstract submissions. The Patient Involvement in Cancer Research Program (PIP) is held in conjunction with the CCRC, and 23 participants participate. PIP participants adjudicate the inaugural PIP Small Research Grants Competition.
CCRA releases “Recommendations to Guide Implementation Planning for Cancer Health Services and Policy Research in Canada,” proposing 13 recommendations, which fall under five connected themes.
CCRA releases “Fifteen Years of Investment in Cancer Research in Canada, 2005-2019,” which describes how the cancer research investment has changed over time and identifies five calls to action.
The seventh CCRC takes place for the first time in Halifax, Nova Scotia and is CCRA’s first hybrid conference. There are 872 registrants and 673 abstract submissions.
The Patient Involvement in Cancer Research Program (PIP), held in conjunction with the CCRC, engages 36 patient partners, 13 attending in-person and 23 virtually.
The CCRA research investment data is refreshed to year 2021.