Canadian Cancer Research Conference

The fifth Canadian Cancer Research Conference was held from November 3-5, 2019 in Ottawa, Ontario. The goal of the conference was to:

  • Showcase the breadth and excellence of Canadian cancer research
  • Allow leading experts from across all areas of cancer research to exchange knowledge and share ideas to strengthen Canada’s research community
  • Support new investigators to establish themselves in the cancer research community
  • Enhance patient involvement in cancer research in Canada

The scientific program consisted of plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, and poster sessions featuring leading national and international researchers from across the cancer research spectrum. Collectively, the conference’s scientific program provided attendees with opportunities to network, learn about cutting-edge research in Canada, and present results to and receive feedback from colleagues from across the country.

CCRC 2019 was the first year the CCRC introduced rapid-fire presentations. These three-minute presentations from all four pillars of health research gave researchers from across Canada a chance to get people excited about their research and to invite them to learn more during the poster sessions. CCRC 2019 also saw the introduction of the CCRC Gender Equity Policy and due to the efforts of the committees and the chairs the 2019 CCRC achieved gender equity of conference committees, session chairs, invited and abstract selected speakers.

The presentation of the CCRA Awards and a community event, Cancer: Piecing the Puzzle Together were also included as part of the 2019 CCRC. Many satellite meetings and workshops hosted by various organizations were also held during the conference. Additionally, the Patient Involvement in Cancer Research Program (PIP) held its second meeting at the 2019 CCRC.

Thank you to all the 2019 CCRC Supporters for their generous contribution to the conference, ensuring its success.

Download the CCRC 2019 Scientific Program

CCRC 2019 Final