2023 PIP Research Grant Competition for Postdoctoral Fellows
As part of its commitment to patient engagement in cancer research, the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRA) is releasing its second funding opportunity as part of its Patient Involvement in Cancer Research Program (PIP). Integrated with the biennial Canadian Cancer Research Conference (CCRC), PIP provides patient partners with an opportunity to learn about leading-edge science from Canada’s cancer researchers and trainees and to, likewise, offer the scientific community an opportunity to learn from and interact with patient partners keen on building their knowledge of cancer research and demonstrating the value that engaged patients can bring to the cancer research process.
One grant of up to $15,000 will be issued. This competition is open to postdoctoral-level trainees at Canadian institutions/organizations. Applicants from all research pillars are welcomed (the successful applicant will be announced at the CCRC). Applicants with the highest rated proposals, as determined by patient partners, will provide a brief presentation to a panel of patients, who will ask questions and provide feedback. An evaluation of these sessions will form the basis of the final grant decision. The winner will be provided with CCRC registration and have their travel and accommodation covered.
Grant guidelines are available here and the application form can be downloaded here. The grant deadline is July 17, 2023. An information webinar will be held on April 17, 2023. If you require further information about the webinar or this opportunity, please contact kimberly.badovinac@partnershipagainstcancer.ca.